The Trail Blog – On The Snowmobile Trails In Michigan

The Tahquamenon Area Snowmobile Association in Newberry – Eastern U.P.

The Tahquamenon Area Snowmobile Association in Newberry, Michigan strives to provide you with up to date information about our areas’ favorite winter time recreation. With thousands of snowmobilers visiting our great Upper Peninsula every winter, information on the trails, weather & membership are vital. Along with these reports, we hope to invite you to become a member or even help out with a small donation. No matter where you’re from, we welcome your family into ours. Happy snowmobiling!


TASA is a non profit organization that was organized for the purpose of promoting and advancing the general welfare and safety of snowmobiling. TASA also is here to serve the interest of snowmobile owners, to defend such owners against discriminatory legislation and burdensome taxation, to develop a fraternal spirit among all snowmobile and other winter sport enthusiasts, to provide a medium for the exchange of snowmobiling information, to lease or own property for public and association uses and to perform all desirable and lawful functions for the successful operation of the association and in the general public interest.


TASA is not a “social club” but rather an association who’s main purpose is to better the sport of snowmobiling. TASA has accomplished its tasks through countless VOLUNTEER hours of brushing, repairing, signing and grooming the trails; construction of the building to house equipment (and we are in the process of getting plans drawn for an addition); maintaining the equipment in proper working order’ acquisition of necessary tools to maintain and repair the equipment; processing numerous reports for the DNR; raising funds to match State of Michigan grants for the purpose of acquiring groomers; and assisting visitors to the area by providing trail maps and parking access at the Newberry trailhead and the 3 Mile Staging area. When TASA was formed in 1987, TASA was responsible for approximately 40 miles (one way) of trails. Today, TASA is responsible for approximately 145 miles (one way) of trails.


TASA’s roll in the community is important, not only for the purpose of providing better riding conditions, but it is a major factor in bringing tourists into the area (think back to when the motels in this area used to close for the winter). The tourism helps the economy in the winter, but also has made many people aware of what this area has to offer during other seasons. TASA is in the public’s eye like never before via the TASA website and the daily trail report. There is approximately 1500 email trail reports sent out daily. There were 8100 total views per week in January 2006 for the individual report page (persons NOT receiving it by email but going on the Net to view it). 3400 of those views came via either VisitNewberry.Com or the NewberryChamber.Net. TASA’S positive image in the realm of promoting winter tourism is proven by these figures.


TASA needs support to carry on its operations. By joining as a member you are not only supporting financially, but you are also sending a message to the volunteers their efforts are appreciated. As with any volunteer organization, TASA is always in need of volunteers. Any input you may offer would be appreciated whether it is assistance with trail maintenance, equipment maintenance or simply attending the meetings.

In closing, from December 2005 to March 2006 TASA groomed 17,847 miles of trails and has spent 2990 hours grooming those trails. The previous year, when the snow conditions were a bit better, TASA groomed 19,447 miles and logged 3033 hours grooming those miles.

Visit The TASA Website

Northern Michigan Snowmobile - Snowmobiling in Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula - produced by North Guide Internet.